The Dangers of Hypertension

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can happen to anyone. Hypertension is also something that you should take seriously. When left untreated and unmanaged, hypertension can cause severe complications and even lead to death. Hypertension can affect how your body functions and can easily go unnoticed if you aren’t getting your blood pressure checked on a regular basis. Dr. Karen Vaughn at Vaughn Internal Medicine and Pediatrics in Bellmead, TX, can explain why hypertension is so dangerous and why it should be kept in check.

The Dangers of Unmanaged Hypertension

When left unmanaged, hypertension can affect your body and elevate your risk of heart attack or stroke. Hypertension often goes unnoticed because there are no symptoms related to it unless hypertension has been unchecked for a long while. You may feel completely fine and have no idea that you’re dealing with hypertension, which is why it can be so dangerous.

It’s important that you get your blood pressure checked by our doctor in Bellmead, TX, on a regular basis to ensure that you aren’t dealing with hypertension. There are factors that can increase your risk of dealing with hypertension and affect your overall quality of life. If you are dealing with hypertension, there are lifestyle changes that you’ll need to make.

It’s important that you manage your diet and choose low-sodium and low-fat options. You should also be sure to add fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to your diet and exercise multiple times a week. You should also avoid smoking and alcohol as much as possible.

Contact Our Doctor Today

Make sure that you understand why it’s important to manage your blood pressure. Contact Dr. Vaughn at Vaughn Internal Medicine and Pediatrics in Bellmead, TX, to learn more about the dangers of hypertension. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment today at (254) 335-5844.

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